What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is an altered state of heightened awareness or consciousness that occurs naturally in every person, perhaps best described as a state of inner focus, where the mind can become detached from its usual concerns. We all experience altered states of awareness when we day-dream; when we are engrossed in a film or a good book and for a period are totally unaware of our surrounds, or when we drive and find ourselves drifting off in our mind, then wonder how we got to where we were.

When hypnotized the mind is more able to respond to suggestion and imagery, and the creativity of the unconscious mind is less hampered by the interference of the conscious mind. The state of being in hypnosis is called ‘trance’. The feeling of being hypnotised differs from person to person. Most people feel as though they are deeply relaxed, experience feelings of inner calm and some experience pleasant floating sensations.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is the clinical form of hypnosis carried out by fully qualified therapitsts.

Hypnotherapy allows access to our unconscious inner resources, the place where healing and positive energies are encountered and utilized to allow new learning, and desired change to take place. Clients are guided on a journey of self-discovery, helping them to balance their lives, often enabling new levels of confidence, optimism, positive thought patterns, clearer awareness, sharper concentration, ability to move on from unresolved issues which keep them trapped in their past; and treatment of a wide range of habits and conditions to bring about the individual and unique changes.
Clinical hypnotherapy has no relation whatsoever to stage hypnosis.

What is Advanced Hypnotherapy?

Advanced Hypnotherapy is based on the work of the late Dr Milton H Erickson, the American psychiatrist who pioneered modern hypnosis, who carefully observed his clients behaviour and utilised their own language, perceptions of life, and inner resources to help them solve their problems in their own way. It also includes the developed approaches of applied psychology. Elements of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) are integrated into this dynamic system incorporating some of the latest findings of mind and brain research and is based on the observation and understanding of the ways in which humans think and communicate. NLP has been described as the modeling of excellence. In practical terms it consists of a number of procedures that one can use to create a positive change to one`s behaviour.

What is self-hypnosis?

Self Hypnosis is a wonderful tool that is both rewarding and a life long asset. Whilst you may learn the technique to resolve a current problem, it is a process that once learnt , can be of use to you throughout your life. The best way to learn is to be taught by a hypnotherapist whilst in hypnosis Many people use self-hypnosis for relaxation purposes.

Will I be under the control of the hypnotherapist?

Whilst in trance you are fully in control at all times and are aware of what is happening. You cannot be made to do anything against your will, or which violates your own moral values or accepted code of behaviour. You can come out of trance whenever you wish, and will not get ‘stuck’ in the trance state. You will remember everything that happens during a session of hypnosis, although a small minority of people may experience spontaneous amnesia for some or all of the session, as this is a naturally occuring hypnotic phenomenon. A therapist may sometimes give a post-hypnotic suggestion to induce amnesia, for therapuetic reasons, usually if the conscious mind is likely to sabotage the therapy.

Can everybody be hypnotised?

Anybody can be hypnotised, if they want to be. You cannot be hypnotised against your will. It is a normal state that everybody passes through before going to sleep, where your brain wave changes from Beta to Alpha. However, it is possible to resist hypnosis like it is possible to resist going to sleep. But even if one resists hypnosis, there are techniques that can be used to overcome the resistance. Of course if a client has no desire to be hypnotised then they simply will not succumb, but this is a rare situation because most people want to experience the benefits connected to hypnosis.

What happens during a hypnotherapy session?

The session will start with the therapist gathering information about you and your problem, establishing exactly what changes you want in your life and discuss a treatment plan, giving indication of how many sessions will be required.
The therapist will then induce trance by the most appropriate method, and employ a suitable therapeutic intervention to address the problem and help you to start initiating the changes you want. Post-hypnotic suggestions may also be given, which are powerful reinforcements prior to awakening.
Every session is “tailor-made” to meet individual wants and needs.

Is Hypnosis Safe?

Hypnosis is in no way dangerous or harmful either physically or psychologically as evidenced by its acceptance as a therapeutic technique and its widespread use by the medical and mental health professionals.

Will I remember what happened when I was in the hypnotic state?

Frequently, following a hypnotic session, you will remember everything that took place, as if recalling a dream. Depending on the level of depth of trance you have been under you may remember everything that occurred. Only in the deepest level of trance will you not remember what transpired. The medical profession has determined that it is not necessary to be in a deep level trance for the benefits of hypnosis to be administered. Time distortion is common and you may believe you have been in a trance for a few minutes when you have been under therapy for half an hour or more.

Will I have difficulty coming out of the hypnotic state?

No. None whatsoever. There has never been a documented case of someone remaining under hypnosis. In fact coming out of hypnosis is refreshing and relaxing to most individuals who often compare this feeling to waking up from a deep or restful sleep. When you emerge from a hypnotic trance you will feel calm and rested and, depending on the therapy applied, have a very positive attitude.

Can I be influenced to do anything against my will or nature?

No. In fact you would be shocked out of the hypnotic state immediately anything which violates your own moral codes was suggested to you. A person in a hypnotic state has full control and will not accept or act upon any suggestion that is contrary to their belief system.

How many sessions will I need?

Working with the subconscious mind is a powerful process which usually produces noticeable results within a short time, sometimes immediately. People generally experience positive changes within the first session or two. Although some problems may be alleviated in just one session, most issues are best dealt with in 2-6 sessions. It will be clear within the first few sessions whether progress is being made. Some people with deep rooted problems choose to continue with further sessions, dealing with more and more issues as the healing process unfolds

How do I make an appointment?

For Appointments or further information please telephone
Lorraine Ireland on 01384 – 878264