Clinical Hypnosis, Psychotherapy, Counselling, Stress Management, EFT, EMDR & NLP
Lorraine Ireland Clinical Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist & Counsellor at Mind & Health Matters
- Clinical Hypnosis
- Hypnotherapy, Advanced Hypnotherapy
- Psychotherapy
- Counselling/ Stress Management
- Emotional Freedom Therapy / NLP
- Self Hypnosis MP3s / Relaxation MP3s
Please feel free to browse this site as you take that first step to gaining Control of your life and become the best YOU that you can be. It is my belief that every person is “Unique” and has the right to make choices about their life that reflect their true needs and values.
At Mind & Health Matters I work with people who are ready to make positive long lasting lifestyle changes. Therapy is tailor made to suit the needs and requirements of the individual, treating a whole range of issues/conditions.
See Conditions Treated.
My work is recognised by BUPA and local GPs who regularly refer patients.
I have produced a range of Self Help Hypnosis MP3s / Relaxation CDs which have received Amazing Reviews and sell through all well known bookshops and websites e.g. Waterstones Bookshops, Amazon, Pickabook, & Gardners Books (Britains Leading Wholesaler)
I know you can make the changes that you desire and so deserve Enjoy Your Journey of Self Development and Self Discovery.
Believe and You Will Achieve.

Please telephone Lorraine Ireland on 01384 – 878264