Weight Loss
Weight Loss
By Lorraine Ireland Of Mind & Body Matters
Hello, please allow me to tell you a little more about therapy for Weight Loss.
Weight loss is about addressing all the underlying issues that have either prevented you from losing weight or keeping weight off in the past.
Therapy is not a quick fix, magic wand approach, it is about long-lasting lifestyle change. As many of you will have already experienced Diets alone do not work as when you go ON a diet your subconscious mind knows that by going ON something you are almost certain to come OFF at some stage, hence diets only change your way of eating for a certain amount of time.
Therapy enables you change your patterns or habits that are no longer working for you and to re-create new consistent patterns of eating and behaving towards food so that food will be an enjoyable experience that you so happen to do ONLY when you are physiologically hungry, which means that you will not be feeding Psychological Emotional Cravings for food as you will be addressing these issues within therapy.
There is so much more to weight loss therapy and the sessions are unique to the client bringing the history that goes along with the unwanted behaviours. Self Worth and Self Esteem are also issues that will be addressed.
If you would like to know more about these sessions or you would like to book an appointment please feel free to contact me on 01384 -878264 or email
I look forward to hearing from you – I know it takes a lot of courage for some peole to make that first intiial contact – I totally respect that – I promise I will receive your enquiry with an open caring heart as I am comitted to working with you with your long term highest interest as a priority.
Kindest Regards